Growing Denver
The Smart Way
The best way to smartly grow
a rapidly expanding metropolitan city for everyone
Who is involved?
Denver's systems that are impacted
Systems in Place
Transportation System
Colorado’s roads do not have the capability of supporting the people the state has already gained, how are they going to handle the 2.2 million more that are projected to be over the next 20 years. Back in 2015, CDOT estimated needs of $46 billion through 2040, more than double what is expected to be collected during that time. Not only this, but nearly 85 percent of Colorado workers over the age of 16 commute to work by driving. Not only the lack of sufficient roads has become a problem, but what these commutes do to the quality of the air.
Environmental System
Denver’s denser urbanization worsens the climate-driven heat waves. Over the past two decades, Denver’s temperatures have increased by 3 degrees minimally, this is above the increase from global warming. This is because when surfaces are paved or covered over, temperatures spike because the concrete and asphalt absorb the sunlight and then release it. A Climate Central analysis of National Weather Service data found that Denver has one of the nation’s most severe “heat island” effects. The spiking heat is eased in leafy neighborhoods, but the hardest hit are the mostly paved downtown areas.
Systems in Denver that currently try to help the urbanization downfalls to the stakeholders in the community are the Denver City Government and public services. The city of Denver works to try to help create and maintain public resources that can build options for community members and rejuvenate a sustainable community. Many areas of Denver are walkable, but there are many areas that still need that development. The city of Denver works to create systems that allow for developers to be conscientious of the community members.
Investors & Developers
Investors and developers come into a city and start to build businesses, office spaces, homes, and other types of properties that a city needs. In Denver, the developers and investors work with the Denver City on zoning, planning and the approval process for permits. Without these, they wouldn't be able to develop property in the city. Likewise, the city wants investors and developers to come in and develop so that the city's economy is strong and also for the tax revenue. Community members in Denver can be wary of new construction, but if they were involved in the process they would be more open to it. The community members need housing, places to work and retail spaces to live and enjoy. Which is why they also need development in the city.
The community of Denver is comprised of anyone who lives and works in the city. They have a need for housing, public utilities, and job opportunities. They rely on the other systems to help implement and grow the city based on their needs. In return, they pay taxes and keep the local economy strong. Each system has a need for the other and the community is just as important.
Denver stakeholders are very interconnected
Effects on Stakeholders
These issues affect them directly. From being able to have access to transportation or green areas to having clean air, the community members are the key stakeholders affected. The urbanization that takes place places strain on both current and future citizens of Denver. As the city continues to be built more dense, the community members lose value.
Perhaps one of the largest stakeholders as they are the most directly impacted by the decisions and actions of other stakeholders that create the environment they live in. In Denver, the area you live in is directly impacted by the planning that each neighborhood takes on. Denver is not a cohesive city. Citizens have to look outside of their neighborhoods for jobs since most of the city is zoned for residential usage. This increases traffic and pollution since a majority of Denver's citizens are driving to work and back home. As more people move to Denver, this problem becomes increasingly worse and developers and investors can only build housing and not multi-use buildings. The stakeholders all need opportunities to have success. This can come in all different shapes and forms for each stakeholder. Having the chance to live in a safe neighborhood with clean air, having green space, and having access to transportation options are all needs of the community members. This differs from the need of the developers.
Developers & Investors
The developers and investors, a key stakeholder in this issue, are more likely to work in the more popular areas. These are the people and businesses that build the infrastructure around the city play a huge role in deciding the shape of the community. Additionally, it is their role to maximize their profits and ensure to please the local citizens. The developers have the control to mold lifestyle habits and configuring.
Businesses are another example of a primary stakeholder as the city built up around them will play a factor in the success and longevity of their business. Codependently, these businesses provide jobs that only positively impact a community as well, so this stakeholder holds a unique role. All together these stakeholders add a benefit and help engage in a system that influences Denver dramatically.
Government & Public Services
Public services work closely with both community members and developers to help implement what can potentially help add value to the city of Denver. This includes public services like RTD, for the transportation system within Denver. Public services also includes government departments and other city paid for services like trash pickup and street cleaning. These stakeholders are important for keeping the city clean, enjoyable and working properly for the citizens. To keep the public services working the local government, the City of Denver, has to make sure that they are getting paid and that the city is being properly maintained. The local government stakeholders are also in charge of making sure that businesses and citizens pay taxes and are working within the legal rules of the city.